

Cryptographic Requirements in the PCI Family, and Mapping into National Schemes (PCI标准家族中的密码要求以及和国家体系的对应)
Presented by: Di Li, Principal Consultant, atsec (Beijing) Information Security Co., Ltd
This session collects cryptographic related techniques and requirements used in PCI (Payment Card Industry) standards family, explains the requirements and the related test procedures, mapping them into the industrial standards and National Schemes, such as US (FIPS 140-2/3 and Special Publications) and China (SCA: State Cryptography Administration).

Experience on Remote Assessment During the COVID-19 Outbreak(新冠疫情期间远程审核的经验分享)
Presented by: Yan Liu, Principal Consultant, atsec (Beijing) information Technology Co., Ltd and Krisy Mu, Security Expert, Co., Ltd
Join this session to hear about the most challenging areas for remote assessments and potential solutions. We will share our experience on how to do remote assessments and collaborate with the assessed entities. Lastly, we will make suggestions for future assessment activities (long-term consideration) in order to make the assessment more cost-effectively.

2020年PCI产业社区会议全部采用在线方式召开,尽管不能面对面的参与会议交流,然而在线形式的会议比往年安排了更多的技术分享,特别是PCI DSS最新版本v4.0发展趋势的研讨成为主要热点。期待着光临atsec同样精彩的虚拟形式展位,并在会议上交流和研讨。

更多的会议信息参见PCI SSC官方页面: