atsec将参加2023年11月15日至16日在马来西亚举办的PCI亚太地区社区会议(PCI Community Meeting),并发表技术讲演和分享。
Our “Key” Experience in PIN Security / P2PE / FIPS 140-3
Presented by: Di Li, Principal Consultant, atsec (Beijing) information security Co., Ltd This paper is focusing on the key management activities involved in PCI PIN Security P2PE and FIPS 140-3 standards. Regarding key generation and destruction, the paper discusses the general requirements and methods defined in each of the three standards and compares the differences. The section on key loading, key distribution and key establishment explores the different methods of securely transferring a key from one party to another, and provides a rationale for why each standard requires a different approach. The paper also defines each of these methods and provides common scenarios where they apply.

更多的会议信息参见PCI SSC官方页面: