atsec完成IBM z/OS V1R8评估,获得EAL4+级别CC认证

Left to right: Bernd Kowalski (BSI), William Penny (project manager z/OS), Helmut Kurth (atsec) 2007-05-23
近日,atsec信息安全完成了IBM z/OS V1R8的通用评估准则(Common Criteria)评估,这也是目前世界上最为大型且复杂的操作系统的评估。
z/OS的首款经过评估的产品V1R6于2005年在EAL3评估保障级别上完成,并于2006年针对增加的安全特性完成了EAL4级别的重新评估。本次IBM z/OS V1R8在EAL4+级别的重新评估关注于增强的重要安全功能,并提供了产品典型安装和操作形式的保障。产品的安全目标(ST:Security Target)阐明了评估的目标,该文档公开在atsec官方网站的CC评估页面。评估一些重要的特性包括:
- z System服务器包括所有可选的密码板卡(crypto boards)
- 增加的认证机制:X.509证书、Kerberos tickets、IBM PassTickets、和基于LDAP DNS的认证,这些机制是传统的密码机制的增补
- 安全通讯:除了SSL/TLS和IPSec,可以提供OpenSSH和Kerberos
- 包括LDBM和后台SDBM的完整IBM Tivoli目录服务器;LDBM提供了可从其它已评估的ITDS产品获知访问控制的"传统的"LDAP 数据库,而SDBM通过LDAP接口提供RACF用户管理的访问
- ALC_FLR.3增补,针对维护(maintenance)可实现的最高的保障组件(assurance component)
IBM的资深工程师和首席System z架构师Jim Porell评论:"z/OS 1.8的通用评估准则(Common Criteria)评估是一项艰巨的工作,需要IBM和atsec保持密切合作。在IBM,我们的目标是提供具有重要的服务器功能和安全能力的操作系统,从而满足客户的业务需要。通用评估准则(Common Criteria)提出了针对开发流程和保护轮廓(Protection Profiles)的最佳定义,从而满足业务需求。对于评估的结果以及和atsec的工作关系,我们感到非常高兴。"(原文如下:"The Common Criteria Evaluation of z/OS 1.8 was a complex effort requiring cooperation between IBM and atsec. Our goal, at IBM, has been to deliver an operating system that can provide valuable server functionality and security capabilities to meet our customers' business needs. The Common Criteria provides a good definition of the development processes and protection profiles that can be deployed to satisfy those business needs. We are pleased with the results of this evaluation and our working relationship with atsec.")
Marvin Schaefer,前美国安全局(NSA:National Security Agency)国家计算机安全中心(National Computer Security Center)首席科学家,补充道:"IBM的z/OS Version 1 Release 8操作系统由1970年底推出的强大而复杂的MVS操作系统发展而成。当时,其访问控制机制还比较弱且易于攻破。甚至在之后集成了RACF,当时的系统仍存在安全危机,而且由于其结构和实现的复杂度,基于美国国防部(Department of Defense)的可信计算机系统评估准则(TCSEC:Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria,也即桔皮书)去评估其安全策略(Security Policy)和机制,是非常困难和耗时的。它的首次评估由国家计算机安全中心(NCSC)花了多年时间进行,且仅仅成功完成了部分工作。基于以上原因,IBM增加了可观的投入,开展MVS/RACF的重新构建,将其与支持的硬件安全机制相集成 - 更重要的是,引入了安全策略(Security policy)-- 他们来源于设计、文档和编程的规范性。目前的z/OS系统比先前的MVS更为丰富且复杂。因为系统安全成为了核心的设计原则,且开发工作与独立的评估团队紧密配合,使得识别和分析z/OS的大量接口及其权限管理这项艰巨的任务成为了可能。通过与评估团队密切协力地工作,z/OS的接口和权限管理已经被文档化,比如多于一年时间进行的完整严格评估的授权许可。此外,最近25年多来,我与IBM和atsec很多高级雇员多次合作,我了解这项评估是全面深入的,而不是仅仅停留在表面,感谢atsec评估团队成熟的安全原则知识,以及他们识别和挖掘安全脆弱性的技术贡献。我非常有信心z/OS以及所完成的评估代表了非凡的技术成就。"(原文如下:"IBM's z/OS Version 1 Release 8 operating system evolved from what was, in the late 1970s, the powerful, but complex, MVS operating system. At that time, its access control mechanisms were quite weak and easily defeated. Even with the integration of RACF, the system was not only subject to compromise, but because of the complexity of its structure and implementation, it was extremely difficult and time-consuming to evaluate its security policy and mechanisms against the criteria of the US Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (the Orange Book). Its initial evaluation by the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) took years, and was only partially successful. As a consequence, IBM made a considerable investment in restructuring MVS/RACF and integrating it with supportive hardware security mechanisms -- and more importantly, with a security policy-driven discipline of design, documentation and programming. The resulting system, z/OS, is considerably richer and more complex than its antecedent MVS. Because system security became a central design principle, and because the development effort was closely coordinated with the independent team of evaluators, the formidable task of identifying and analyzing z/OS's large set of interfaces and its management of privilege became tractable. Through close and co-operative work with its evaluators, z/OS's interfaces and management of privilege have been documented such as to permit a full and rigorous assessment to be completed in a little more than a year. Further, over the last quarter century I have collaborated with senior IBM and atsec staff and know that this evaluation was anything but superficial, thanks to the atsec evaluation team's mature knowledge of security principles as well as their corpus of techniques for identifying and exploiting security vulnerabilities. I have full confidence that z/OS and its completed evaluation represent an exceptional technological achievement.")
操作系统的评估是测评领域最需要技术实力的,从atsec最初作为CC评估实验室的历史来看,它在德国BSI和美国CCEVS体系下的操作系统评估领域具有领先的优势。atsec在此领域的评估记录包括IBM AIX 5.3(CAPP和LSPP);5个不同平台的12个Linux版本;IBM z/OS V1R7的EAL4+级别;以及zSeries-based z/VM和PR/SM虚拟机和逻辑分区产品。atsec已经完成了2个IBM PR/SM产品的EAL5级别的评估。
atsec在CC产业的领导地位同样表现在对标准研发的贡献。贡献的层面不仅仅在新版本标准的测评和体系文献的发布,也包括推动标准的适用范围应用于大型、复杂的系统。与德国BSI协同合作,atsec曾经执行了基于处于草稿版本CC v3的保障级别EAL4的Linux多方面原型评估。目前atsec正在执行首例瑞典CSEC体系下的EAL4评估。
德国atsec信息安全CC实验室总监Gerald Krummeck补充道:"关于本次成功,我们感到非常自豪:这是至今CC领域最为复杂的评估。IBM和atsec的战略是首先从EAL3评估工作开始,然后提高至EAL4级别,在此过程中不断补充有价值的安全功能,使得完整、现实系统的认证成为可能,而且其保障级别满足了客户重要业务操作的要求。"(原文如下:"We are very proud about this success: this is the most complex evaluation ever attempted under Common Criteria. IBM's and atsec's strategy to start the evaluation effort at EAL3, then move to EAL4 while constantly adding valuable security functionality made it possible to deliver a certificate for a complete, real-world system with a level of assurance that customers require for their business-critical operations.")除了令人羡慕的成功记录和复杂评估的及时完成,atsec在评估交付的质量方面建立了国际声誉。atsec使用CC评估方法为客户带来最大的收益。中间过程和最终的报告展示了所呈交的文档证明资料(Evidence)内容的全面分析,从而为发起者在产品和流程提高上提供了真实的价值(不仅仅是粗略的浏览证明文档或简单的填写需求的checklist去获得证书)。实际项目中,开发人员制定的保障证明是正规的开发流程的一部分,这些文档也一直融入于atsec评估流程之中。
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